My name is Josh Lowery (Pastor Josh).
I am currently the Worship Pastor of the greatest church on Earth—GRCC (Greater Rain Community Church). But allow me to share a little bit of my story—my story for His glory.
The Early Years
I was born in Richmond, KY, to the best parents a kid could ask for. My mother was a holiness woman; not only did she talk the talk, but her walk was even louder. My father was a taxi driver who always worked hard to provide whatever we needed.
From my earliest days in the Independent Fundamental Baptist Church, I knew of this Man named Jesus. As a toddler, I developed a keen interest in the piano and always loved to sing—my mother had amusing proof of that!
A Dark Chapter
Fast forward to about 11 years old. Lacking many friends and feeling like a loner, I made what I thought was a friend. This person introduced me to drugs and witchcraft. I practiced the Wiccan religion until I was 13 years old, losing the very song that I once loved so much.
A Divine Intervention
Then, at the age of 13, a true friend invited me to a small holiness church in Garrard Co., KY. What I saw there initially scared me, yet something compelled me to return. One night, I heard a voice, although no one was speaking, say, “Son, let me fix you.” Tears began to flow as I approached the altar, and right there, Jesus miraculously saved my soul and delivered me from the spirit of witchcraft.
A New Phase
A couple of years later, at age 15, I was filled with the Holy Ghost, evidenced by speaking in other tongues. I must take a moment to tell you that between then and now, life hasn’t been perfect. I’ve failed God more times than I care to admit, but through it all, He still loved me.
I’ve dealt with a spirit of depression off and on throughout my life, experiencing deep feelings of loneliness.
Accepting The Call
At age 16, God called me to preach His Word, but I didn’t tell anyone out of fear. Then one night in a small full gospel Baptist church, where 17 people had just prayed through to the Holy Ghost, the pastor announced that I had been called to preach. I finally acknowledged it, and God began using me not just in music ministry but also in preaching. I was horrified, yet eager to please the Lord.
The Rollercoaster of Life
Years passed, and I met my beautiful wife at a church in Jackson Co., where I was serving as a youth pastor. We both had been what I’d call “frog pond Christians,” never quite settling down. I served in various capacities—youth pastor, deacon, organist, and even co-pastor of a church in Richmond, KY. However, I hadn’t been fully delivered from depression and anxiety.
There were times when I publicly declared God’s healing power while privately suffering. This internal struggle led to the breakdown of my marriage and loss of my church. I even attempted suicide. But in that dark moment, the fear of eternal separation from my mother and the beautiful afterlife she taught me about jolted me back to reality. I survived, and God spared my life.
A Journey to Restoration
I was transferred to a mental institution in Louisville, KY, where I continued to testify about God’s goodness, even though I was still broken. One day, alone in my room, I felt a hymn escape my lips—”Pass Me Not, O Gentle Savior.” I felt the room flood with divine love and knew God was with me. I wasn’t instantly delivered, but a transformative work had begun in me.
Over time, God restored my marriage and my pastoral role, though those too faced challenges. I had been running from GRCC, an oasis in a dry desert. But like the Prodigal Son, I returned, and my Apostle welcomed me back. Through collective prayers, I was finally freed from a 20-year battle with depression and anxiety.
Now, my family and I have found our forever home in Mt. Sterling, KY. No more hopping churches, no more running; we are feasting on the blessings of the Lord.
A Closing Thought
An old song I often sing goes, “If you want it, God’s got it; He’s got everything you need.” He did it for me, and He will do it for you!
In Christ’s Love,
Pastor Josh
P.S. Thank God I’m home!
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14 KJV
Then shall ye call upon me, and ye shall go and pray unto me, and I will hearken unto you. And ye shall seek me, and find me, when ye shall search for me with all your heart. And I will be found of you, saith the LORD: and I will turn away your captivity, and I will gather you from all the nations, and from all the places whither I have driven you, saith the LORD; and I will bring you again into the place whence I caused you to be carried away captive.
Jeremiah 29:12-14 KJV
“Here’s what’s on my heart, folks: I want everyone to thrive—body, soul, and spirit. Think about the buzz and energy when our whole church family is on fire for God. We won’t just grow; we’ll explode in numbers and in faith. People will hear about us and say, ‘Something amazing is happening over there, Jesus is making waves!’ I’m all about giving back. Let’s fire up that food pantry again, and not stop there. How about holiday meals for folks who can’t get out much? Or a community meal, open to anyone who wants to join? I’ve got so many ideas, it’s been hard to pin ’em all down. First off, our young people need to get out and see the world. Road trip, anyone? And let’s lock in Vacation Bible School for next year—no excuses. I’m dreaming big about a youth conference too. Imagine churches coming together, young hearts set ablaze for God. And you know what’d make that even better? More musicians and song leaders, lifting our praise to the next level. But what I want more than anything? For all of us to want God more than anything else. I’ve got a head full of dreams and a heart full of fire, and I can’t wait to see where it all leads.”